Final Project for CS 184 - Computer Graphics and Imaging.Our team made a height-field-based simulation for water in Unreal Engine, with full speed performance.Some key features of the simulation is that the water mesh is auto-generated, we built a custom shader, the simulation is framerate-independent, and the water interacts with Unreal's rigidbodies, including buoyancy and partial submersion.
This is a time-management Android app I made for myself. It's used to plan out your "time allocation" for the whole day, based on a user-set sleep time and their personal calendar.This is one of the favorite things I've made, because I honestly feel it is essential to my lifestyle. The days I don't use this app are signficantly less fulfilling. The app really helps to give you a light enough push to get started on thingsg, be it work, chores, or even taking a proper break.
This is another productivity tool that is very important for my own personal use, except this is a Chrome extension.This one is a bit simpler, as much of it is hardcoded to my personal needs, but basically, certain domains (Twitter, Youtube, Reddit) are blocked by default and cannot directly be accessed through links. To promote intention, you need to give the extension a link to these domains if there's a specific page you want to vist.Just like Timekeep, this is something I've used ever since I first wrote it.
LiveMenu was built for CalHacks 6.0, in a team of 3. This was the first Android app I made - which was pretty difficult to learn within the time of a hackathon!The purpose of LiveMenu is to take a photo of a menu as a restaurant and get an interactive menu on your photo that sources images from the internet so you can see what the dishes you order look like.The photo processing uses Google Firebase's OCR API to identify menu items and Google CLoud's NLP API to further parse the data and perform the correct searches.