My name is Imon Husain.

I'm a Gameplay Programmer at Sucker Punch Productions, and a hobbyist animator + indie game dev.

During my time in college, I have discovered a passion for both games and animations. Outside of classes (and sometimes in classes!), most of time goes to personal projects, creating hobbyist games. During busier semesters, I still try to participate in game jams at least. While I enjoy programming and architecting my game projects, I have found a lot of enjoyment in using the tools I make and nailing down the design. So I have strong interests in both gameplay programmer and designer roles, specifically technical and system design roles.

Besides games, I've also learned how to make animated shorts during my time at Berkeley, thanks to the 3D animation community here. I've worked on 2 animated shorts and now help teach the UCBUGG DeCal class to help grow this wonderful community.

For fun, I absolutely love to play games! I find I'm able to enjoy all games and appreciate their unique appeals, so I've tried a large variety of genres. When I play games, I like to go as deep into their systems as possible, both as a gamer and a designer. Be it JRPG superbosses, Celeste C-sides, DMC DMD - I appreciate games from both the casual starting point to the expert deep end.

My activity varies due to how busy I am, but I also really enjoy dancing (breaking) and doing parkour! I'm still very much learning, but my experience in those communities has permeated into my games and animations.

(All opinions are mine, not of any company)